It's Friday so head on over to Tootsie Time to see all the other gardeners and their beautiful flowers.
I'm kind of embarrassed to put my flowers up after seeing some of the other gardens out there, but it is what it is and I love it. So here's what's going on in my little corner of the world.
The daisies are interesting, one is full of blossoms and the other is full of buds. They're not more than 6 feet from each other. Go figure.
The hanging basket has lots of color - we had a few issues with keeping it watered while away, but it's going to be fine.
There are a few cone flowers. Mostly buds right now, but a few blossoms.
The day lilies are full of blooms. Beautiful.
This is the first year we're trying the tomatoes in this topsy turvy planter. We're having trouble keeping them shaded so they won't wilt from the heat and sun. MM has been putting a cardboard box up to shade them in the heat of the day.
There are two coreopsis plants. One has lots of buds and a couple of blossoms the other is much smaller with a couple of blooms.
The Salvia Blue Hills are a little droopy from the heavy rain recently.
All the hostas by the front tree have buds on them. A couple are actually already blooming.
The petunias in the pots by the front porch had soil that was too compact and the plants in one died, so I bought a couple of more plants and repotted both pots.
Here're pictures of the trumpet vine and rose of sharon. They surround the back deck. No blooms yet, but a little later and they will be loaded. Wanted you to see them in this stage.
Then on the other end of the house the tiger lilies are blooming now.
I'm not sure what the name of this plant is, but it'll have pretty cluster orange blooms in a week or two.
On this end of the house I haven't done a lot of work for several years and these things just keep coming up. I might try to transplant them in the Fall to an area that I can appreciate them more.
Looking at these pictures more closely I can see that I have a lot of work to do... between the weeding and putting more mulch down. The bed on the end of the house got put off this year. Maybe next year we'll build it up and clean it up a little. There's always something to do. But then, that's the fun of gardening.

You have plenty to flaunt today! Love the vine and the Althea, Rose of Sharon. Mine is just about to finish up blooming.
Hi Judi, you certainly have nothing to be embarassed about - I thought your flowers were wonderful! But I know what you mean I feel so inadequate sometimes when looking at all of the beautiful gardens on here. But ohhhhh I'm learning so much and that's the really neat part!
I'm so glad you stopped by my place, now I have a new blog to visit! Like I can keep up with what all I want to see now! LOL
I've been all over your Alaska trip. It looks like you had a wonderful time and your pictures are outstanding!
I lived in Southeastern Alaska for a few years off and on and in Fairbanks for about 5. In fact you said you went to Chena Hot Springs and I lived on the Chena Hot Springs Road for a while with my parents until I could get my own place. There were long waiting lists back then with all of the people coming up there to find work on the North Slope.
I've really enjoyed my visit here. Thanks, Linda
Looks great! Our tiger lilies are coming up at the base of our mailbox :)
Can't wait to see all yours in person tomorrow!
what are you talking about!! embarrassed???? NO! you have a lot to flaunt...I love the photos and I am so glad you showed the before photo of your deck beauty before she bursts into bloom!!! thank you for linking in!!! I love the daisy plants too by the way!
You have lots of very nice plants to show. I would love to see that trumpet vine when it blooms. Your daylilies are so very nice. They look like Stella D'oros. Don't ever be embarrassed.. you have many wonderful things happening in your garden right now!
Hi Judi,
You have lovely blooms!
You have nothing to be embarassed about with your flowers! Every garden is work of art! Each person has their own idea of what they like and that is what makes everyones garden wonderful and unique!
I love seeing different gardens and different plants! It helps me come up with ideas to try in my garden!
Thanks for sharing and thanks too for stopping by my blog(-: I will be back again soon!
Happy FF!
You have a really pretty garden! Your daisies are picture perfect! I see no faults here just beaury all around!
I have not been brave enough to tackle in=ground planting of flowers, I plan to tackle a flower bed for the first time next weekend, wish me luck!
You certainly do have some beautiful flowers and plants. Everything looks so fresh and pretty!
You have a lovely garden. The only one noticing weeds, etc. is you. They all look very well taken care of to me. Have a great weekend.
I think your flowers are beautiful...and I'm in love with coreopsis...I even like the way the name sounds...Keep up the good work ...
Everything is so pretty! I find flowers fun to play with but I really love growing veggies, so my flowers are really small potatoes compared to most who post. It's fun to join in though. I really like visiting everyone's blog to see what's growing where - so many things I've heard but have never seen. And there's always some inspiration to be found ...
Wow, look at your beautiful yard!! It's beautiful! Must keep you busy... in a good way! The tiger lilies are my favorite.
So glad you joined~ your daisies are gorgeous! Your topsy turvey is looking great, too. I had to move mine to another spot due to the 104 degree weather...lol. Hope you flaunt with us again soon.
P.S. The hostas....I just love them!!
I think your garden looks awesome!
You have so many pretty flowers. I love your landscape design. Very nice. I've never heard of a topsy turvy planter. Very interesting. Thanks for sharing all your beauty. I enjoyed it.
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