
Totally empty

Yup….lots of room for new cloths hehe.

So that’s exactly what I did. I was showing MM after I was finished and he said “looks like you’re going shopping”. I said “yup”. I got rid of so much stuff that I don’t like and hardly ever wear – it was just taking up space. Next I have to do this with the dresser drawers. They are packed and I have nothing to wear. There’s something wrong with that.
Are you doing anything special for Spring cleaning?

Looks good! I have been busy nesting and my drawers and closets have never looked cleaner. I didn't get rid of anything yet, because I don't know what will fit post-baby. And I am gonna keep the big stuff for when we have #2. Shannon
Sounds like a great idea!!
Wow that looks great! Want to come over and do mine?????
We have been full time RVers for the past 9 years. Costumes and Clowning Games, puppets, face painting equipment, magic props take up a lot of space.
Fluffy made the rule that anything she hasn't worn in a year gets thrown out. I am down to one outfit!
What is a Clown to do?
b boys mom.... you don't want me to come over there.... I was in a throwing mood and I got rid of almost everything. But then again we could go shopping.
Gosh, your closet looks just like mine with the closet organizers. I actually try and clean my closet out once a year due to space restrictions. Though this year I didn't have much to give away.
I love this idea! My closets are overflowing with thing we don't wear. Hopefully I can get morivated to do this in the near future!
Oh, and thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting today. I appreciate your point of view :)
WOW! First of all, I love your closet! Second, WOW! You did quite a job there!
I have trouble getting rid of clothes that I no longer wear. Why do we hang on to stuff?!
Silly Willy & Fluffy.. we too are rver's, but not full time. It is hard to take everything you want- no question.
Lynn.. As you can see I too have trouble getting rid of stuff otherwise I wouldn't have accumulated so much. For me it was 'I might be that size again' or the emotional connection of where I wore something. I've come to the conclusion that if I get to that size again... the item won't be in style and besides I would deserve something new.
I love cleaning out old stuff! You do have to be in the right mood tho - otherwise, you just can't part with anything! ;-) Glad you were in a "throwing" mood!
This is AWESOME!!! It's said to also be good for your mental health, karma, feng shui, etc. Job well done! I have been wearing the same 10 things for the last 18 months, living in the trailer. Now the house is almost done and I get to see my "real" clothes again when we move in!! That will be so fun. Hope some of them still fit. -- Bonnie
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