1.B Boys Mom (19)
2.Becki (11)
3.Michelle (8)
4.The Adventures of Grunty and Chubbs (7)
5.Lynne (6)
6.siteseer (oops this is me) (5)
7.Vixen (5)
8.Diana - FreeStyleMama (4)
9.Shannon (3)
10.Wendy (2)
I think it's funny that I'm on my own list - guess that means that I'm answering some questions. lol

I already had this scheduled to post when I noticed your comment on comments ;) You are one of my top commenters and I appreciate your visits as well as all the others that visit on an almost daily basis.
Hey look I'm #1! I think this is a first. Thanks for the linky love.
We are tied. Well we were until you commented here. But now we are tied again. Hmmm.
I enjoy visiting! So, what is a "dropper?"
Hi,I have an award waiting for you at my blog:
Thanks for the shout-out! :)
You're so much better about commenting than I am, though!
you can removed your name on the list if you want by editing the settings on top commenter plugin :)
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