Is she adorable or what?
Peanut came over later in the day and we had done this with her 2 years ago when she was 3 months old. She just barely fit and she only stayed in for a split second, just long enough to get a picture. Yes, she is in the pumpkin!

Here she is 2 years ago.
On this particular day I also got a picture of Muffin that you can almost hear her giggling.

The next day I had Peanut over and she was playing in our little jungle (she's been watching George of the Jungle). She liked screaming "watch out for that tree!" and she hugged the tree. lol We had a lot of fun.

I've been gone for way too long and have lots to catch up on, but this will have to do for a start.

VERY sweet!
Oh my goodness...that is tooo adorable!! I wish I had done that when my kids were little! I need a VERY big pumpkin now...and I doubt they'd cooperate. At least the boys won't! LOL!
What wonderful pictures. I just love the pumpkin idea what a great picture it makes. I think I could hear your little muffin giggle too.
What a cute idea! They grow so quickly, it's amazing she could fit in the pumpkin again this year!
I love the one of Maggie in the tree. And you're right about baby O - you can hear her giggle just by looking at that picture! :)
I want giant pumpkin too and put my little girl in it. Your grand daughters are beyond adorable :)
OMG, I just love the pumpkin pictures. Makes my heart melt. Judi, you have the most adorable grand girls. What good times.
that's so cute:)
awe, they're adorable!
those are great pictures!
So, so cute!!
Wow, nice pictures..because they are lovely.
OMG! How cuuute. Great pics :D
That is lovely!
beautifulllllllllll pictures of the babies. the smiles are just priceless. nice photos here. thanks for sharing eh
Those are adorable photos! What a great idea. :) They are like little elves hiding in that giant pumpkin. Too cute.
Have a great weekend.
oh so cute! is that a real pumpkin?
Yes, that is a real pumpkin. It's amazing how the little ones are still curled up in a ball and fit perfectly :)
I love the pic where she's biting the pumpkin. It is so cute.
Oh they grow up so fast...sigh.
Hope you are enjoying a nice weekend.
I love that she is in the pumpkin. That is so cute and precious! :) LOL!
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